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/ Minami 66 / MINAMI CD 66.iso / Imagen / Mangas / Kizuna / KBL_01a.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2005-09-01  |  124KB  |  500x738  |  16-bit (483 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | door | monitor | person | stairs | stairway | tabloid | tie | windowpane
OCR: So how did you That hit hear about pue run this place? wasn't an accident Huh? Hey That was after pue nak YOU know T K Kizura This page read right-ep-lef Beautifu Japanese KzunaMon, P@1992KazumaKodaka Originallypublished inJapanin1992byBIBLOs Co.Lta version 2004 A18Corpo ration IRigrtsReserved Kizuna BIBLOS